Thursday, April 29, 2010


I am a family law attorney and mediator in Texas. No one calls a divorce attorney when life is easy! I deal with people going through major life changes. In many ways it’s a death of their former life.

Often I have to remind people to “BREATHE”. If you are not getting enough oxygen to your brain you cannot think clearly. Some people are so overcome with emotion and fear that they are literally out of breath when they call me.

I encourage the person to take a few deep breaths, calm down, and relax their body for a few moments. Suddenly their voice, face, breathing and body posture changes for the better.

When going through a stressful period, to remember to –

1. do something special for yourself each day – even if it’s just drinking a cup of coffee, make it special;

2. go outside each day – appreciate nature, take a few deep breaths & try to take a walk everyday…especially when stressed;

3. laugh – we all need to laugh everyday! If I’m down, watching kittens playing brightens my day;

4. do something for someone else – even if it’s just saying hello to a stranger – practice random acts of kindness & you’ll feel better;

5. pick your battles. Is this going to be important in 5 years? If the answer is no, then let it go;

6. think of one good thing about yourself each day and one thing to be thankful for each day;

7. do your best each day & don’t fret over the projects you didn’t get done. If you did the best you could, don’t beat yourself up. Congratulate yourself for the things you did get done. If you are really having a bad day, just getting out of bed is an accomplishment;

8. remember that we all have a spark of God within each of us & we are all unique and special;

9. change your challenges into “opportunities”;

10. let go of your ego; and

11. remember…BREATHE!

Remember that every journey begins with just one small step. The first step is the hardest – it does get easier. I promise.

Anytime you are going through a difficult time, recognize that God loves you. Instead of asking God for things, be thankful for the positive things in your life. Sometimes when our prayers are not answered, there is something much better coming. Be patient -- expect and accept a miracle. There are miracles occurring all the time. Be aware & be thankful.

When you say (or think) something negative, immediately say (or think) “cancel, cancel, cancel” and then think of the same statement in a positive way. For example, imagine that you’re changing a radio station to a better channel. And, eliminate the word “always” and “never” from your vocabulary.

Recognize that we have all been wounded. Even though the wound eventually heals, a scar is left. But a scar is tough and cannot tear again.

If a person knows where your “buttons are located” then move your buttons! The word “whatever” is a wonderful word. Practice using “whatever” when someone tries to attacks you.

Live in the moment. Stay grounded. Don’t live in your head. Each moment of is a gift. Rejoice in this wonderful gift. Always take the high road. Don’t live your life like a daytime soap opera. Learn to control your temper. Learn to forgive. Learn to love yourself. You are precious.

Remember to (1) believe (2) release (3) express gratitude (4) receive blessings and (5) manifest.

In 2003, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was a journey that I never anticipated having to travel. I am definitely not the person I was in 2003. Hopefully, today I’m a better person. I don’t sweat the small stuff. I am more patient. I listen more. I am calmer. I celebrate everyday of my life. I thank God every day for the privilege of living another day. I decided to use this opportunity to review and re-assess my life. I decided to change my legal practice. I decided laugh each day and to share my philosophy with clients.

If you had only a month to live…what would you do? Do it now!

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